#Quarantine Keepers

While shelter in place orders are helping to flatten the curve and prevent the rapid spread of Covid-19, staying at home is also changing our behaviors and challenging us to think differently.

Here are some things Surreal Friends have emailed and texted us that they want to keep doing. Lessons learned from #quarantine.

  • Camping in the Backyard - Pitching a tent out back once in awhile is a convenient way to get some fresh air, a change of scenery, and can be done on a weekday once things get back to normal.
  • Crazy Repetition Workouts - Build your strength with repetitions and using the age old adage: Life's Only Race is Against Yourself. No matter what you do to build your strength (push ups, pull ups, walking/running miles, sit ups, weights), increase your strength by taking notes and trying to do a little better each day.

Surreal Friend Adam Ribiero, (Ninja Warrior and Spartan Athlete) packs his favorite things (right) including Juicy Mavs Hazy IPA to challenge himself on a 12 hour run. *Pretty sure the cat will not be in his backpack:)

  • Feet to the Ground - People are taking to the streets in their neighborhood and realizing that they can walk much farther than they they thought they could. "When things get back to normal, we will probably bike the mile and a half to school each morning." Amanda writes.
  • More Zoom Zoom - With video conferencing being the only way to visit with friends and family during shelter in place, people are visiting more than ever. Some are talking to friends and family they haven't chatted with in years.
  • Being Thankful for the Little Things - Surreal Brewing is offering free delivery to serve 1.2 million people in the South Bay Area. Several Surreal Friends have written in to say how they feel "so thankful for the little things these days like healthy craft beer at their door step, fresh fruits, and vegetables." Many want to keep this in mind when shelter in place lifts and things get hectic again.
  • Braving the Elements - For some, the daily walk is a dose of daily sanity. Rain, snow, or shine people are getting outside and realizing "that a little water won't hurt them." - Harrison from NJ
  • Community Focus - "One thing I will keep from quarantine is being more community focused. It doesn't take long to check in on a neighbor (from a safe distance) or drop a couple Surreal Beers on their doorstep." Brandy writes.
  • Paying More Attention to Health - The whole focus of shelter in place orders is to stay healthy and this is translating to all areas of our lives. From making a creative effort to get up and move around our neighborhoods, to carefully choosing the things we put in our body, many people are learning habits that will enhance their health for years to come.
  • Other things Surreal Friends will continue are: fitting in short workouts at home, continuing to learn a new language, continuing to learn to code, more quality time with kids using less gadgets - "the old ball is getting more use than ever" writes Laura, and continuing to keep calm - "I've learned a lot of techniques to stay patient" writes Ben.

Let us know what else you would keep from your quarantine days! Email us or use hashtag #surrealbrewing on social media.

Some inspiration from IG:

@ej.explores, @organicclimbing, @ellyintothewild, @jskiclimb, @giant__rock