Staying Healthy at Home

It's been a stressful set of weeks. Many people are staying in their homes and hoping to do their part to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Others are on the front lines at hospitals, clinics, stores, gas stations, and in delivery vehicles getting critical help, groceries, and supplies where they need to be.

Whichever group you fall into, doing your normal health routine has become a lot harder. Here are some tips to stay healthy at home.

1. Walk or run around the neighborhood. Even if you don't normally run as your exercise of choice. Give it a chance. Start slow and build up the miles each day. Just remember to stretch. Try Runner's World for motivation and everything running. Check out the Strava App if you want to link up with a virtual team, track your fitness, and measure your goals.

2. Take advantage of online training videos and free content around the web. Tough Mudder is offering free training guides. They also have a free nutrition guide. Youtube has a lot of great exercise videos just search for whatever you want like yoga or 25 minute cardio workout. Several gyms are offering free online classes check out: Business Insider's List of Free Classes.

3. Stay hydrated! It is important to drink healthy beverages and stay hydrated as well as eat healthy. Non-Alcoholic Beer is actually good for you - and helps you relax! A study by the University of Munich found that German Olympic athletes who drank non-alcoholic beer after a workout recovered quicker and had fewer respiratory infections. Surreal Beer is a great option because it is low in calories and sugar in addition to it's other beer-y good properties:

  • 0g Sugar
  • Anti-Oxidants
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties
  • Anytime /Anywhere you need to relax

4. Be kind to yourself. This is a situation that is inherently stressful. Stress produces cortisol which can wreak havoc on your immune system. It's okay to be less than perfect and let go of some of your schedule and be kind to yourself. The kids might not get the most perfectly balanced meal every night, you might not get to everything on your to do list, and you may have to put off more things until tomorrow. Don't beat yourself up about it. The most important things right now are staying healthy and taking care of those people in your life that depend on you. Tomorrow is another day to pick it back up again.

Find something that helps you relax and do it everyday - even if it is only for 10 minutes. And encourage those around you to do the same! --

We hope you all stay safe and healthy. Be well!

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